Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yup it's been that long since I posted last

Since I'm sure no one reads me anyway it doesn't really matter how long between posts I go does it? Well maybe it does at least for my own sanity I can get all the crap floating around in my head out of my system and floating around out there to evaporate into the wild blue yonder. So here goes.

"Warning" Religion is mentioned and talked about in this post do not read further if you might be offended or if you are a devout Bible Believer.

Recently a few friends of mine got into a bit of a discussion about this video. They were offended, they were against Oprah they "hated her". They were offended because it went against what they believed.

I don't get why they were so set in their minds that anyone that might question ummm "Christian Beliefs" would be wrong, would be evil, would be "gasp" sinning. See I think that what you believe is entirely up to you, and if you want to post it on Facebook, or on your blog or on Youtube then you should have that right. It's a little something called the Freedom of Speech thing I believe. Just because you post it doesn't mean other people have to listen, look or even like what you have to say it also doesn't give them the right to slam, bash or horsewhip you verbally because they do not agree. These people who do this are "scared" aren't they? Why are they scared? What makes them fear something that is different from what they believe?

Well I don't know about you but frankly we can go all over history to find fanatics who persecute others because of their beliefs errr Jews were persecuted, ummm Protestants were persecuted, white, black, native, oriental, women, children, people with handicaps just to name a few have all been persecuted. This discussion that my friends had was beginning to sound fanatical it worried me. I'm writing about it here.

See I don't care what religion you believe in whether you believe in God or not,or if like me, you think the Bible is not based in fact but rather is a collection of stories to guide you in how you live your life. To be honest I have read the Bible as much as I can (almost all of it) and understood as much as I could. I used to torment our minister because I thought he could tell me what the mark was that Cain received after he slew Abel. Or hey, here's one if incest is a sin then when Adam and Eve had children and they were the only people on the planet that would make all their children siblings thus in order to continue to procreate they had to commit an act of incest are you following me here. It's just not happening it just doesn't make sense. My minister told me that I had to have faith that I had to believe. Since these are only two of the many examples in the Bible. It was hard for me to just have faith and believe it still is.

What happens when you believe in a higher power but not in the word MAN has written as the law/decrees/lessons from that higher power. See I think it does not matter if you believe in the Bible or not. I think it matters in who you are and whether or not you are a decent person more than whether you believe in the Bible or not.

So live and let live I say believe in the Bible if you want but don't slam me for thinking it was not okay for God (as the Bible claims) to wipe out the whole human race and save one crazy man and his family because they built a huge ship to sail away on the flood waters. Or for that matter eventually as per Revelations to plan on sending hordes of locusts, plagues and other highly unpleasant events to hound us in our last days. See the higher power I believe in just wouldn't do things like this not to my way of thinking. That's why I think man (because let's face it man is all about lessons and judgement and rules isn't he)is the culprit who wrote that book as a guideline here's your rule book follow it or else a plague of locusts is going to come and consume all your crops and make you starve (well that could happen and it has but I don't think God had anything to do with it). Or better yet if you don't want to go to purgatory or Hell when you die you need to follow this here book verbatim ... HAH.

See I know where I'm going when I die, first I'm going to be cremated (yup its the cheapest seat in the house) and then my ashes are going to be spread in all their glory at sunset over some beautiful vista somewhere in Scotland (haha in my dreams) and then that will be it. If there is something more after that well it's all just a bonus at that point isn't it. I haven't committed any serious sins, I believe in a higher power, I like people, I haven't tried to kill anyone or steal from anyone or do anything really bad (well unless you count sarcasm and lost library books). I think I'll be okay and if there really is a Heaven and I get to go I might not be the most shining Angel there since I haven't thumped my Bible enough or even 'gasp' believed with true and shining faith that there is a Heaven and my soul is bound there in the everafter but that's okay with me. I'm just an average every day Mom in the here and now so why would I want to be more than that if I went to Heaven.

Okay so I'm off my high horse and if you have read this far and are not horrifically offended or think I'm nuts more power to you. I just felt this huge sense of "Wheeeee,that's off my chest" when I finished this. To my friends who are discussing the video above zealously well, you can go on fighting I'm done now.

Peace Out

Friday, July 23, 2010

Just Shoot Me Now

Would someone please, please enlighten me about what happens when a boy turns 11? Do their brains just turn to mush and drivel out of their heads via their ears? Do they wake up one morning with "I've got a complex" living on their back? What? What? is going on with my 11 year old boy?

See my Wonder Boy has some serious insecurities where and how he developed them I have no freaking idea. We have always told him we love him, we have always supported some of his rather odd ideas (even if I don't think some of them are all that great). We have always tried to support the things he wanted to do and we have encouraged him to keep trying the things he doesn't think he can do.

Some where some how he has come across the notion that we love him less than Diva W ... seriously??? are you kidding me. We waited 10 years, 10 freaking years of trying to have him and then when he finally arrived we were never more thrilled or excited than to see him, to hold him in our arms. We were so blessed when he arrived there are just no words. All you parents out there you know that feeling you get it.

Have we used tough love? Sometimes, he can't have everything he wants and sometimes he has to work for things he wants and yes he has responsibilities. I believe that we would be failing him if we did not apply these things.

I am just so frustrated right now please someone tell me this is just a stage and dear God don't tell me it's going to get worse.....

Peace Out

Camping (Nuff Said)

Okay, I promised a camping post so here it is. We are going camping for two weeks starting Sunday, yeah that's right, two weeks. I've lost my ever loving freaking mind who wants to be stuck camping for two weeks with two kids (minus the dog thank G** for that), and a trucker hubby (who never gets lost ha ha ha). Me, apparently, that's who.

I love my kids there's no doubt about that and I love my hubby no question but two weeks in a truck camper on the open road headed west to Vancouver and back again hmmmm not so much. Now don't get me wrong I don't mind a weekend away and I am thankful we are not tenting (because then I would just go on strike, walk out, head for divorce court) you get the picture right. Tenting, in my humble opinion, is tantamount to torture and not for me. I am thankful we have a camper that sleeps four (squishly) and has a toilet because without a toilet I ain't going no where, no how. I would have fought for a full out bathroom with a shower stall etc but they cost waaaaaay to much money more than my pocketbook can afford.

So on Sunday we head out West (further West for us) to the great Province of British Columbia where the trees are huge the water is warm and the fruit is plentiful. I am looking forward to showing my kids sights they haven't seen before and being able to see and feel the ocean, of which, they have never done. I am looking forward to two weeks of sleeping past 5:00 a.m., reading several books and listening to an eclectic assortment of music on my ipod. I am looking forward to conversations with my hubby that don't start with "you need to do" and giving some one on one time to my children.

I am not looking forward to lowering camper legs, raising camper legs, sleeping in a small confined area, cooking on a teeny weeny bbq or in a small confined area, dirty hair, dirty bodies and dirty laundry.

However, all that being said, I have never in my 20+ years of employment, ever taken more than one week of vacation at a time. This is a novelty that is making me nervous, excited and yes even happy. I and my family really need this time to spend together to reconnect, to relax, and to have some fun it's a well deserved, well earned vacation that has been a long time coming.

Peace Out

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Cat, The Tub and The Effects of Water

I was going to write about going camping but we had to interrupt that post for the latest and greatest in kitty adventures. Just to give you the story behind the story, we've been renovating Nanna's bathroom and we put in a new jet tub for her but it isn't working right. We think and the company we bought the tub thinks there is something wrong with the sensor. However, before we could come to this conclusion we had to jump through hoops to try to figure out why the tub wasn't working. So we put water in the tub right up over the jets and left it there as we tinkered trying to get the tub working. Cause you have to have water in the tub in order for the jets to work right....

We not only left it there, we forgot about it last night and left it in over night as well, generally this is not a big deal but at 7:00 a.m. this morning we could hear this pittiful sound coming from somewhere in the house it sounded like a cross between a sad wail and child in tears.

Me to Trucker Hubby (who just happened to be home last night): Shhhh do you hear that?
Trucker Hubby: Hear what?
Me: Wait, I heard something I know it
Insert Unknown odd sound hear
Trucker Hubby: Shhhh.... What the h*** is that?
Me: Maybe one of the kids
Trucker Hubby: Nah

So we went looking for the source of the noise and found the cat wading (as close as a cat can get on tiptoes) in the water in Nanna's tub not exactly howling and not exactly meowing. Not even trying to get out but looking extremely sad and agitated just moving back and forth and back and forth. We have to assume that he was trying to get to the water when he fell in as you can see in the kitty pictures he does love to try to get to water no matter whether it's in a bucket the toilet, a glass or the sink. Getting him out was a joy and you know the most sad thing about all this is I didn't have my camera handy.

I'm going to start sleeping with my camera the photo ops I miss because I don't are just to good to be true. Stay tuned for Let's go camping

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Puppy

So this is the puppy he's a Bichon Yorkie mix, isn't he cute? His name is ... wait for it... "ZEUS" yup pretty big name for such a bitty dog. Yeah, Yeah I know there are "Real" dog people out there who would not consider my puppy to be a real dog. Take my sister for instance she loves my puppy but she has "real" dogs, a German Shorthair Pointer and a Springer Spaniel.

However, I am not really a dog person, it's not the dog per se it's the poop issue. I can change poopy diapers, I can clean up vomit I can do all that but my gag reflex when it comes to puppy poop is huge, HUGE ergo small dog small poop less of an issue so that's my reason for a small dog and I'm sticking to it.

We got the puppy because for the last three years my son, Boy Wonder, has begged and pleaded and begged some more for a dog (all you parents know what's about to happen don't you ... I can see the smirks on your faces oh yeah). I have denied this request for three years until this year when I figured he was old enough now to handle some responsibilities of owning a dog. Have you ever explained how much work a puppy would be to a 10 year old? For some reason they think (no matter what you tell them) that the dog is going to come fully trained and be just like "Lassie" (insert laughter here).

Boy Wonder does not think he has to walk the dog or train the dog he should just "know" not to pee or poop inside ummmm yeah so not happening. Boy Wonder is paranoid he thinks the dog is out to get him because Zeus nips at him and tries to attack his legs (well hello don't run from the puppy son and he won't chase and nip at you). Everything, everything we have told him has gone in one ear and out the other Boy Wonder gets exceedingly upset with Zeus and has decided the puppy does not like him. Boy Wonder also doesn't realize that Zeus feeds off his emotions so that every time he gets upset the puppy reacts even more. Since it is Boy Wonders responsibility to walk the dog (I am the lucky person who gets to get up with the dog in the morning to let him out to pee) he needs to learn how to do this and there is a valuable and important life lesson involved in accepting the responsibility of the dog he's not going to get off scott free not in this house. So what's a good mom to do?

I hired a dog trainer to come in and give us tips and tricks and help show the kids how to handle Zeus. This is always a good idea it helps reinforce (from an outside source and someone with apparently more authority than you, the parent) what the kids should be doing to teach the dog how to live in your home. So she came yesterday, a lovely lady, with some good common sense advice, some of which we have already put into place and some which we have to adjust to. However, the upside to all this is Boy Wonder actually listened to her and so did Diva W now we just have to reinforce all the lessons she taught the kids (and me by the way did you know you shouldn't pick up that really cute adorable lump of fuzzy fur and snuggle it like a baby (I knew that) but really he's cute and those eyes are killers but no more snuggles I need to be the pack leader here, the boss) oh the fun we will have.

Boy Wonder walked the dog yesterday and didn't come back to the house angy and upset, this is a good start.

So a little piece of advice if you are thinking of getting a puppy for your children.....DON'T, Don't do it, not unless you want job of caring for the dog on your own or you are willing to fight tooth and nail to have your children learn the responsibilites of owning a pet.

Peace Out

Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's Birthday Time Again - Diva W turns 7

It's Diva W's birthday today (I know right it's like October is the magic month in our house). She turned 7, which means she's showing ATTITUDE but I digress. I am just so not the birthday party type of mom, I wish I were but I truly dislike having to do cake, and grab bags and on and on. However, just because I don't like to do birthday parties doesn't mean I won't.

Diva W has had her first real birthday party with friends from school, last year we only managed to get one friend and some of my dayhome children rounded up for a party. This year we planned ahead and had the party early (like the end of May early). We went glow bowling, think dark bowling alley, two lanes 6 screaming girls and 2 boys, cake and presents. Can you see it, can you picture all the action packed fun we were having....I just bet you can. If you can't just wait your turn is coming. Anyway I am thankful Diva W had fun and that she had no grand expectations but wait I found out not long after the party that I was mistaken. See Diva W asked all her friends that were coming to her party for just one gift and only one gift.

Diva W has coveted her brothers DS Lite for about a year now and she asked all her little friends to please get her one for her birthday. I knew nothing of this until just recently after the party was over and I was shocked, okay not completely shocked but a little. Thankfully none of her friends could afford a DS Lite or little Lucy would have had some splaining to do. Needless to say she got Hannah Montana stuff and bubble wands and skipping ropes (yay). BTW we did chat about asking for BIG TICKET items like DS Lites from your friends that it wasn't okay to do that sort of thing. She's smart she got it (uummm hummm I think we might have this chat for a few years)

So here's to Diva W may she also find many happy birthdays waiting for her in the future and maybe a DS Lite.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My trucker hubby and my gate

My hubby drives truck for a living, I love him anyway he's cute except his mustache is too long but short of shaving it off him while he's sleeping (and then we would probably meet in divorce court) well you know I like him anyway. This means he's away from us for 10 days and then comes home for four over and over again it's not a bad deal we've had worse jobs where he's been away for weeks and only home for a day or two.

So when he does come home his honey do list is usually big, and he's usually tired and so we go round and round sometimes things get done, sometimes they don't but it's all good. I can use a hammer and a drill and those wrench things when I need to I'm just that kind a gal (hah). Here's the thing though there are just some jobs I am not mentally wired for like building a gate I can't do it, well I could try but I'm pretty sure it would look like something a four year old would build with popsicle sticks. So I've asked for a small gate why? Well I run a dayhome you see and I need to keep the children in the yard and not running down the side of the house it's just safer this way (I can see them better not that I have that many to see). Just so you know the whole yard is fenced and gated and the children can't get out, I would just prefer to have the side of the house blocked off.

Getting back to the gate I asked for it two weeks ago, really it's not any bigger than a baby gate but it will weather better outside if it's made with good sturdy wood. Is it made yet? Nope.... Why? Because my trucker hubby does not WANT to make the gate. If he'd just said

Trucker hubby: "I don't really want to make this gate"
Me: "Okay, but I need the gate, so if you don't want to do it I'll get someone who can"
Trucker hubby: "Okay go hire someone who wants to make the gate"

I would have done that and the gate would be up but nooooo, I challenged him by telling him I didn't think he wanted to make the gate (big mistake I know better)and that if he really didn't want to do it I'd find someone who could, sometimes my head is up my a**. So he started the gate, that's right it's started but not finished. He started this very small gate on Friday, it's Wednesday he's back to work and we won't see him again until the Friday after next.

Oh the gate is framed but unfinished I may have it by the end of summer or I may just hire someone to finish it (that might be a bad thing to do). I love my trucker hubby I really do he's cute and he's sweet and he loves me. The gate can wait a little longer.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

11 Years Ago Today

11 years ago today Boy Wonder enlightened us with his presence. It wasn't an easy pregnancy, I was 34 years old he was my first child and he was breach and high. My doctor (God love her) sent me off to a specialist to see if he could be turned in preparation for a natural birth. (Insert crazy laugh her).

The specialist who's practice according to him was to not tell anyone that a turning couldn't be done pushed and prodded my tummy (oh lord that hurts) and said

Dr: "well I can do it" (insert the unspoken 'but' here)
Me: But?
Dr: But, to be honest, your chances of a succesful turn are less than 50% he will most likely just turn back again
Me: Oooookay so what does that mean?
Dr: That means we can go ahead and try to turn him or you can have a C-Section, don't take too long thinking about this though because you don't have much time
Me: Okay then I will call my Dr. today with my decision

Is that the end of the story oh no of course not. I call my Dr. and say let's do the C-Section the other way sounds to drawn out and painful. This means another trip back to the city because the delivery can't be done at our local hospital. This whole story takes place over a 48 hour period of time. We almost didn't have Boy Wonder that day the nurses forgot I was waiting in the pre-op room and the Dr was going to leave when they 'discovered' me waiting and made me think it was my fault. Now I ask you how on earth could this have been my fault I was the one in the gown lying on a bed with tubes sticking out of every possible orifice ....NOT GOING ANYWHERE ....

Anyway, Boy Wonder was delivered healthy and peeing according to the Dr. weighing in at a whopping 8 lbs 15.6 oz. Now keep in mind C-Sections on breach and high babies is not for wussies no oh no (not all C-Sections are painful but when they manipulate to bring the baby out it causes much grief afterwards). I slept on a wedge pillow for about a month because I couldn't get out of bed otherwise. I couldn't put anything on my tummy and I couldn't laugh hard and do otherwise unmentionable things involving the bathroom easily. Did I survive? You bet, was it worth it? without a doubt.

Boy Wonder is one of my most precious gifts. He and Diva W are the most miraculous things I will ever do in my life and they mean more to me than money, possessions and yes even food.

So Happy Birthday to Boy Wonder may he have many more happy, healthy and fullfilling birthdays to come.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Why did I start this blog? It's a good question as good as any I suppose. I am not a writer, nor a writer wanna be I am just a mom who likes to vent er talk... well in this case vent err talk by writing. Do I care if I get followers? Not really but if you're here you're welcome to be here.

Today I sent Diva W off to her first day of week long summer camp. It's not like it's miles away or anything, and it's not like it's overnight, but man you'd think I was sending her off to her execution. Getting out of the van at the rec centre her feet were dragging, her butt was dragging. Ever the dogged mom I assured her in the best mom voice

me: honey you're going to have fun, I'll bet some of you're friends will be here
Diva W: n'uh mom you just wanna get me out of the house
me: now W that's not true you need to do things to keep you occupied otherwise you will get bored
Diva W: how come Boy Wonder doesn't have to go to camp?
me: Well he's just a little too old for that now he's done all the camps at the rec centre

Now we've come to the sign in desk and Diva W sees a girl she knows, she pokes me and says mom, mom can I go there's my friend "T" see over there .... bye mom see you later. Hah see that's what I'm talking about you just need to get them out of the van and into the building too bad they didn't build cattle shoots for that purpose.

Anyway, that leads to the end of the day and the funniest thing Diva W said today. See apparently, the whole group went to the playground where Diva W proceeded to bump her noggin on the swings not once but twice (this, just so you know is a common occurrence with Diva W she's usually bumping some body part somewhere). When dad brought her home she says, in tears no less,

Diva W: "mom I hurt my nut
Me: waaaahhhh you're what? I ask thinking she doesn't have any nuts (this is where the mind wanders off in left field and does not think rationally). I hug her tight trying not to let her know that I'm laughing, I'm almost in tears I'm laughing
Me: "I'm not, I'm not" I gasp
Diva W: "You are I hurt my nut and you are laughing at me"
Daddy: "Honey you hurt your coconut"
Me: from around the corner now "Gasp, wheeze I'm not so not laughing at you honey. I'm sorry you hurt your head honey"
Diva W: You are laughing at me why? why? why?
Me: "Have some candy honey it will make you feel better"

See that's how you distract them give them sugar works every time. I just can't wait to see what tonight brings now.