Monday, July 12, 2010

Why did I start this blog? It's a good question as good as any I suppose. I am not a writer, nor a writer wanna be I am just a mom who likes to vent er talk... well in this case vent err talk by writing. Do I care if I get followers? Not really but if you're here you're welcome to be here.

Today I sent Diva W off to her first day of week long summer camp. It's not like it's miles away or anything, and it's not like it's overnight, but man you'd think I was sending her off to her execution. Getting out of the van at the rec centre her feet were dragging, her butt was dragging. Ever the dogged mom I assured her in the best mom voice

me: honey you're going to have fun, I'll bet some of you're friends will be here
Diva W: n'uh mom you just wanna get me out of the house
me: now W that's not true you need to do things to keep you occupied otherwise you will get bored
Diva W: how come Boy Wonder doesn't have to go to camp?
me: Well he's just a little too old for that now he's done all the camps at the rec centre

Now we've come to the sign in desk and Diva W sees a girl she knows, she pokes me and says mom, mom can I go there's my friend "T" see over there .... bye mom see you later. Hah see that's what I'm talking about you just need to get them out of the van and into the building too bad they didn't build cattle shoots for that purpose.

Anyway, that leads to the end of the day and the funniest thing Diva W said today. See apparently, the whole group went to the playground where Diva W proceeded to bump her noggin on the swings not once but twice (this, just so you know is a common occurrence with Diva W she's usually bumping some body part somewhere). When dad brought her home she says, in tears no less,

Diva W: "mom I hurt my nut
Me: waaaahhhh you're what? I ask thinking she doesn't have any nuts (this is where the mind wanders off in left field and does not think rationally). I hug her tight trying not to let her know that I'm laughing, I'm almost in tears I'm laughing
Me: "I'm not, I'm not" I gasp
Diva W: "You are I hurt my nut and you are laughing at me"
Daddy: "Honey you hurt your coconut"
Me: from around the corner now "Gasp, wheeze I'm not so not laughing at you honey. I'm sorry you hurt your head honey"
Diva W: You are laughing at me why? why? why?
Me: "Have some candy honey it will make you feel better"

See that's how you distract them give them sugar works every time. I just can't wait to see what tonight brings now.

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